How to Generate Google NEWS Sitemap

How to Create Google News Sitemap -

Today I am going to tell you how we can generate Google News Sitemaps, and you will get complete information through this article,

how to generate Google News Sitemaps for your website,

If your website is on WordPress then you can easily If we are able to generate Google News Sitemaps, then let's start.

About Google News Sitemaps

You must have heard about Google News and your article or if you run a website and if you run any website or news website for Google News,

there is great news for you, and you can write your article If you want to start in Google News, you need a Google News Sitemap,

through the same site map, your articles go to Google News, why That Google News has to be generated on a separate side,

through the same site map your articles go to Google News, so today I am going to tell you to generate Google News Sitemap..

How to Generate News Sitemap ?

Step 1

If your news website is inside WordPress, then you can easily generate it,

The sitemap that will be a News XML Sitemap, with the help of that you can show your articles in Google News,

if your website is inside WordPress So, you have to use a plugin called Yoast.

If you use Yoast Seo Plugin, then you have to buy it, normal sitemap then we can all generate within yaost seo,

but if you have to generate sitemap of news then you have to buy news yaost plugin or you The plugin will cost ₹ 5224. google news xml sitemap generate

Step 2

If you are unable to buy the yaost seo plugin, then you will get another website that generates Google news sitemap,

if you give $ 19 to that website then it will give you news sitemap generator.

The name of that website is

Power Of Google News -

If any article of your website goes inside Google News, then your website gets filled up with traffic,

so much traffic comes to your website that your website starts lagging, and if you get your website article in Google News

If you want to start, then you will need a news sitemap, because Google has created a separate sitemap,

a separate algorithm for the news loggers, the same The show all news articles Google News through Gorithm.

Written by Mukesh